
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Menu Plan Monday Week 19 (2013)

So, this week I have not emptied out my fridge like I should have been doing.  We started a 30 day challenge to eat more greens, especially in the form of green smoothies.  While we've been getting our smoothies in, I haven't made as much salad as I normally do because of it.  So I have a huge bag of spinach and kale we're slowly knocking out each day, as well as some risidual veggies from last week that didn't get eaten.  So, I'm  gonna use up the rest of those veggies this week, hopefully before I have to go grocery shopping again.

I am also in LOVE with hummus lately!!  And not just any hummus...Trader Joe's Organic Hummus.  It's absolutely delicious. I know it's VERY easy to make but the few times I have made it, the flavor was just off for me so I didn't really want to try again.  Finally I realized I think it was the olive oil I was using when I made it. It's a big part of the flavor so it's important to get a good one.  So I'll be making a go at that again this week, along with some garlic naan and mint chutney to make a well rounded Mediterranen meal.

Dinner Menu Week 19 (2013)
Burritos with homemade flour tortillas and smashed pinto beans (I know we just had these but my kids LOVED them and asked for them again.)
corn on the cob

Sauteed Brussels Sprouts with Rosemary and Pinenuts

Tortilla Soup w/ Southwest Slaw

Spicy Garlic Shrimp with Tomatoes and Snow Peas


Sweet Potato Curry with Basil and Lime

Easy Sesame Peanut Noodles
chopped peppers, carrots and cucumbers

On the side...(feeling ambitious this week )
Garlic Naan
Mint Chutney
Banana Scones with Brown Butter Glaze
Spicy Bok Chow Rice Bowl-lunch (can't get enough of this, I'm already salivating!)
Strawberry Mint Smoothie


  1. Meal planning just a perfect idea not only to save money but also to save time thinking about what the menu for the day. I recently love hummus too, you got some good recipe on your blog Thanks for sharing! By the way, I'm happy to be your newest follower.:)

  2. Thank you for your kind words! Glad to have you and welcome!
