
Friday, May 3, 2013

Chicken Enchilada Pizza

By the time I get to Fridays I'm spent, totally and completely!  I leave pizza for the weekend because, HEY! it's Friday, it's the weekend! Let's have something fun and easy.  My girls ALWAYS choose cheese pizza, I just don't ask anymore.  One day, their taste buds will be a little more distinguished, ONE DAY!

Don't get me wrong, my cheese pizza is pretty dang good, especially when I make it on my garlic bread pizza dough (which I have yet to post), but I don't want to forever and always eat cheese pizza when I do eat it.  So, this is my latest installment of our adult pizzas.  It was really delicious, especially all that fresh on top and the zingy lime juice! If you don't like or want the chicken, it is easily swapped out for black beans and just as tasty. 

Chicken Enchilada Pizza
1 recipe Perfect Pizza Dough
Enchilada Sauce
1 chicken breast, cooked and shredded
1 - 1 1/2 cups Colby Jack cheese, shredded (or use half Cheddar and half Monterey Jack cheese)
Romaine Lettuce, thinly shredded; about 1 leaf
1-2 Tbsp. cilantro, chopped
Avocado, sliced
grape tomatoes, halved
fresh lime

Mix up pizza dough according  to directions and allow to rise. While dough is rising, cook the chicken, shred and set aside.  Also, make the enchilada sauce and strain as instructed. Add about half of the onion mixture and a couple tablespoons of the sauce to the shredded chicken and toss. 

Preheat oven (along with pizza stone if you are using one) to 450 degrees F.  Roll out dough and brush edges with olive oil.  Spread about 1/4 cup of the strained encilada sauce onto the dough.  Layer with about half of the cheese, then the chicken/onion mixture and top with the other half of the cheese.  Slide pizza onto hot baking stone (or inverted baking sheet) and bake for about 8-10 minutes, or until cheese has browned a bit and is bubbly.

While pizza is cooking, prepare the rest of the toppings; lettuce, cilantro, avocado and tomatoes.

Remove pizza from oven and allow to cool slightly.  Top with remaining toppings, then squeeze fresh lime juice all over pizza and serve.

*Use some remaining enchilada sauce for dipping, if desired, and the rest plus the onion mixture can be stored in the freezer for later use (more pizza yay!!!).