
Sunday, August 1, 2010

August Monthly Menu

Oops! I mean to get this up a couple of days ago but then we went on a little overnight up the canyon and I forgot. I don't know why, but planning August's menu took me a little bit longer than usual. If I'm really efficient, I can whip up a menu in a day or 2 (that's with normal interruptions from every day life with kids), but this time it took me twice that.

Since the local produce stands are going to be booming here pretty soon, I wanted to take advantage of all the fresh fruits and vegetables I'm sure I will be hoarding. I tried to find recipes with a lot of fresh ingredients, or ones that would also help me clean some things out of the freezer. I'm expecting my menu may change near the end of the month, depending on my farmer's market finds, but I have some swap-outs that I've also tentatively planned just in case.

If you're new here, I have linked the recipes that I have made before and posted. The other recipes I will post throughout the month as I make them. If you see something that catches your eye, don't forget to stop back and check out the recipe later on.

Brown Sugar Bourbon Pork with Tomatillo Brown Rice and steamed broccoli
Zucchini Parmesan with Pesto Pasta
Tacos & fresh salsa
Parmesan Ranch Crispy Fingers & Fresh Mozzarella & Tomato Salad w/ Marinated Raisins

Greek Panzanella and corn on the cob
Penne Pasta w/ Smoked Ham and Pepper Cream Sauce & veggie
Hamburgers w/ steak fries and Spinach salad
Pineapple Chicken Fajitas and fresh fruit

Asian Slaw with Roasted Peanuts and Crispy Honey-Ginger Chicken
Pizza Rolls and fresh fruit
Quesadillas, Stuffed Poblanos and fresh salsa
Quick Chicken Jambalaya & Salad

Chicken Parm Meatball Subs w/ steamed green beans
Shrimp and Penne Pasta w/ steamed broccoli
Zucchini basil lasagna
White corn soup w/ Poblano cream sauce and quesadillas

Other things I'll be making:
Whole Wheat Cinnamon Roll Pancakes
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Muffins
Browned Butter Blueberry Muffins
Whole Wheat Blueberry Banana Muffins
Oatmeal Cookie Granola
David Lebovitz's Top Granola
Peanut Butter Granola
Homemade Burger Buns
Nectarine and Gingersnap Tart
Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream


  1. I just happened upon your blog, and I really like it! Looks like you've got some great recipes. I am your newest follower!
