
Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Monthly Menu

Because we've been in transition the past couple of weeks, trying to move, I completely spaced making a menu and didn't even think of it until today. Usually I think about it the month before and write it down as I go so I pretty much know what to plan when the next month rolls around. This time I had to cram and do it all in one day.

We have a lot of celebrating this month, I'm so excited. I've been waiting for Cinco de Mayo to get here so I can have a little party and kind of a house warming. I'm going to attempt making tamales. I'd never really eaten them in my life until recently. Whenever they're the special at Cafe Rio I always get them, but I wanted the challenge of making them myself. If you don't see a recipe pop up for tamales this month then you'll know it was a flop.

I was so excited about making tamales that I forgot it was also my birthday this month. I haven't decided on a cake yet but I'm leaning towards this Cherry Chocolate Cake. I think it's my all-time favorite and I haven't made it in a while.

Last, but certainly not least, we, as I'm sure many of you, will be celebrating Mother's Day. My husband was very thoughtful last year and gave me a wonderful book on Mothering. This year I want to make a point to be thoughtful about the special women in my life and do something for them. Not sure what yet...any ideas? I also don't know what we'll be having for dessert. I'm leaning towards something light and springy and maybe fruity.

Corn chowder with Sweet Potatoes
Beef and Broccoli with Rice
Basil Chicken Burgers with coleslaw
Pecan Chicken with Apple Salad and Peanut Butter Dressing (Maybe I'll actually get to make it this time; it's been on my menu for 3 months!)
Golden Curry with Thai Coconut Rice

Roast Turkey Breast with Whipped Sweet Potatoes & Corn
Crockpot Tamales with Cafe Rio Pork, rice and beans
Bourbon Steak with Steak Fries and Peas
Coconut Chicken with Rice and Broccoli

Poblano Chicken Chowder
Pizza Rolls and Salad
Cranberry Pork with Mashed Potatoes and Peas
Spaghetti & Green Beans

Meatloaf(recipe to be determined)
Taco Pasta
Stuffed Poblanos
Stir Fry

Other goodies:
S'mores Brownies
Chocolate Chipotle Cupcakes
Homemade Hamburger Buns
French Bread

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed! Even with the stress of moving, you still do a menu! Good for you! Sounds like some tasty dishes as well.
