
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Menu Plan Monday Week 26 (2013)

This summer has been a blast!!  We've been living it up and haven't had this much fun in a long time.  Sure we've had lots of late nights but it's only officially been summer for like two days so we still have plenty of time to play.

I guess it's been just over a month that we put our garden in but it seems a lot longer than that.  I'm still waiting for the day that I can pick my first ripe tomato and ear of corn of the season.  Every time I go out to see my plants I look at them and just will them to grow.  Produce stands and farmer's markets aren't really in full swing yet either and I'm just dying to get my hands on some fresh local produce.  Patience, I guess.

Anyway, still trying to clean out the fridge, freezer and pantry so menu items this week are mostly stuff I already have and need to use up before I go shopping again. Enjoy.

Dinner Menu Week 26 (2013)
Peach-Glazed Salmon
Arugula Salad
Herb Roasted Potatoes

Cashew Chicken Stir Fry
Thai Coconut Rice
fresh fruit

Roasted Red Pepper Lasagna Roll-Ups
steamed broccoli


Baked Chicken and Spinach Flautas
corn & salad

Mixed Greens with Honey Mustard Dressing
Artisan Bread

Beans and Cornbread

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