
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Just Because

I know my blog is very small and inconsequential to the rest of the blogging world. I don't have sponsors and advertisements either, so I don't make any money off of it, but I love it. I love to share food with people, whether it be bringing a meal to a new mother, teaching a friend how to make something, or just sharing recipes that I love. Thanks for sharing my blog with me!

To show my thanks, I made this cute little half apron to giveaway.

I'm not going to get technical, I just want to keep it simple, so there will only be ONE entry possible per person. First, make sure you're a follower of this blog. Then, in the comments section answer these two questions:

1-How did you find my blog?
2-What is your favorite recipe here to date? (one you've tried or one you want to try)

Make sure you include a valid email I can reach you at in your comment. You have until Wednesday @ 5pm (MST), August 18, to enter. I will then choose and announce the winner.

Good Luck!


  1. I would love to try your Strawberry White chip scones, I love breakfast and I bet they are tasty with a strong cup of joe.

  2. I have been wanting to try your Strawberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast, I can't remember how I found your blog but I check it daily while enjoying my coffee. I really enjoy it!

  3. I can't quite remember how I found you. maybe you found me first through Mommy's Kitchen and then I found you. Who knows. =) I am in love with your whole wheat sandwich bread, thank you so much for sharing it! We love it here!

    amberflenniken AT yahoo DOT com

  4. What an adorable apron! I love it!

    I believe that I found your blog through Mommy's Kitchen. I haven't been following for very long yet, so I haven't yet gotten to try any of your recipes. I do think that your S'more Bars look like something that would be a HUGE hit around here. I think I will have to put them on my September Menu Plan:)

  5. Do I qualify for this giveaway? How fun! That apron is too cute!

  6. Hey Michele, cute aprons!!
    I met you at TECS but found your blog from Nicole's. I Love all of your recipes that I've tried, but so far my favorite is the Honey Curry Chicken!
    Keep the recipes coming!

  7. I have known about, and checked your blog regularly since it was first started. :) My favorite thing to date? There are so many yummy things...I haven't tried it yet, but I am DYING to try the Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream!

    you know my email address. :)

    PS. The apron is way cute!

  8. I found your blog because you are my sister-in-law- we're related!!

    I would like to try your Giant s'mores cookies. I think Olivia would love them.


  9. The apron is very cute!
    Not sure how I found your blog but really enjoy following you! I like that chicken pot pie!

  10. Hi Michele!

    This is Melissa (Missy) Farnsworth Smith and I found your blog through your facebook page. All of your recipes sound delicious!! I just started a recipe group and love trying new things!

  11. I found your blog from This Mommy Cooks and I'm so glad I did!

    I can't wait to try all your cupcake recipes! I'm a cupcake freak!
