
Monday, March 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

For today's Muffin Tin Monday, there was no theme so I chose to label ours "Tomato Soup for the Little Sick Soul." My two little girls have been sick for over a week and they have been MISERABLE! So, today, I thought I'd try to lighten up their spirits by using springy muffin cups and warm their insides with some yummy soup.

I made homemade tomato soup, in the middle, with goldfish, flower-shaped cheese and grilled cheese croutons for toppers. There is also fresh strawberries and raspberries.

NOTE: When my first daughter was much younger and I started serving her tomato soup, I found it very difficult because it's so liquidy. I started letting her drink her soup with a straw and she loves it and will finish the whole bowl!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. What a very springy muffin tin you had this week. I am sure your daughters loved it and hope she is feeling better! Love the idea of drinking it through a straw!

  2. Love your tin. I am going to try your idea with the straw because I can not get my little one to eat soup at all.

  3. Great idea for little ones eating tomato soup!

    It looks great!

  4. The soup with toppings looks wonderful. I will have to remember the straw with soup trick.

  5. i love it. it looks great. and hmmm. i never thought about the straw/soup idea. i might just try that!

  6. I love this type of lunch when I don't feel well. Thanks for the straw tip, I haven't thought of that before. Hope they feel better soon!

  7. We use straws for soup too! And applesauce and yogurt, for toddlers who aren't spoon-efficient yet. It works great and the less mess is a very welcome bonus! :)
    Nice luch. I hope your little girls are feeling better soon.
