
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Triple Berry Orange Smoothie

Wow,  it's been a while since I posted a new recipe.  The holidays are always a LONG and busy time around here since all three of my daughter's birthdays come in between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.  By the time January rolls around, I just want to sleep for a month and not eat a bite of cake again....well until the next birthday rolls around anyway.

Speaking of birthday cakes, I think I finally nailed a homemade version of box mix birthday cake (after three birthday parties, haha) that tastes phenomenal and is also light and fluffy.  Unfortunately I was not in the blogging mode when I made them and will have to wait until April for the next birthday to blog about it.  Super delish though!

Anyway, I digress.  I don't really make new years resolutions because they always seem to get broken.  I rather like to take every day and make the best of it as I can.  But, if you're the resolution-making type and have made a goal to eat better or even if you just like smoothies, this post is for you!

I whipped this up one afternoon for my kids' lunch, trying to keep it sweet and fruity enough, while still being healthy.  It was delicious!  I love the berry combination, and bananas always make things nice and smooth. I used half milk and half water since I was serving it to my kids, but you could certainly just use all milk or all water, depending on your tastes.  I also only used 1 handful of spinach when serving to my kids, but for me, I usually put in 2 big ones!  

Triple Berry Orange Smoothie
1/2 cup milk (any kind)
1/2 cup water
1 ripe banana
1 orange, peeled
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
2 large handfuls spinach or other greens
1 Tbsp. ground flax

Put all ingredients in blender in order listed and blend until smooth and creamy.  Adjust liquid as desired.

*NOTE: If you don't think your blender would blend up the whole orange, you can just use the fresh juice.

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