
Friday, August 24, 2012

Berry-Oat Breakfast Smoothie

Oh my goodness, I know I have been MIA for the past two weeks. Things have been crazy around here with school starting. My oldest is starting kindergarten and I'm kind of freaking out about it-ahhh! Plus, my computer is being worked on so I have to steal my husband's mac when he's not looking for only tidbits of time here and there. Hopefully I'll get it back soon and I can start kicking out regular posts again! But for now, enjoy this breakfast smoothie, perfect for the start of school.

We have been rockin' these smoothies lately and my girls especially love them. The first one that I made was just strawberry though, so they probably loved it FIRST because it was pink and only SECOND because it tasted good. Regardless of why they like it, I'm glad they do and happy they drink it. At least I know they're getting good nutrition at least ONE meal a day.

This would be a perfect meal to tuck away in your breakfast arsenal for those crazy school mornings. Quick. Easy. Delicious! It only take a few minutes to throw together and is loaded with healthful ingredients that are sure to send everyone off to a great start for the day!

Berry-Oat Breakfast Smoothie
1 cup ice
1/2 cup frozen berries (single berries or a mix)
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 banana
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 Tbsp. honey
1 cup water (or other liquid such as almond milk, coconut water, low-sugar juice)

Put everything in a blender and blend until completely smooth.

SOURCE: Martha Stewart

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